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Quarter 4 project
due Tuesday, May 7


Option A:  Defending your ideas:   Bioethics!

-Your group will select a topic relating to conflicts that arise surrounding bioethics in 2019.   Here's a perfect resource.


-Prepare a slide presentation, Padlet, or web site (about 5 minutes) that describes your selected issue and presents both sides of the debate.


-Lead our class in an organized verbal debate (outside in the "U")...   students will choose which side of the issue they are on and exchange views/arguments.




Option B:  Think Globally, Act Locally:  ECMS Sustainable Community Garden

There are countless benefits to developing a community garden in an "urban sprawl" area like Cary.   Let's start a great one right here!


- Brainstorm with your partner, jot down at least 4 specific ideas for ways you will contribute to the success of our garden.   Have these ideas approved by me.


-At least one of these should align with the "Art in the Garden" options I will present in class.  Remember, this community garden needs to have "corner appeal" (beautify East Cary), be a sustainable/collaborative project, be productive (are plants getting proper sunlight, water, spacing,  nutrients, ....?) 


-As you progress through your steps, see me to check you off..



Quarter 3 project
due Tuesday, March 1st
(both options involve concepts from "It's All Genetic" unit)
Option A:  Designing an Improved Human
Step 1:  Think about the ways our bodies function, how systems interact, brainstorm possible flaws or weaknesses in our human design.   Create a list of these special attention to the following systems-
*circulatory   *respiratory    *reproductive    *digestive     *excretory
Step 2:  Select a few of the weaknesses in your system's design;  sketch and label your "quick evolution" (new improvements) to this system's design.  Your sketch should include the system's fundamental organ's along with your changes.   Make your sketch colorful, appealing to the eye, marketable!
Step 3:  Create a short (2- 3 minute) online presentation to present to investment groups (ie biotech firm) that may want to invest in your ideas.  Be persuasive!   It can be in the form of a video clip, Prezi, website, or other.
Your peers and other classes will be critique you constructively... :)
Option B:  The Offspring
Step 1: 
With a partner, complete "Rolling the DNA Dice" activity.   This will determine your child's gender along with several of his or her genotypes/phenotypes.   Make sure your kid has the very coolest name too! (part of this activity)
Step 2: 
Create a colorful image of your child based on his/her phenotypes.   You can draw this or use a free imaging/drawing tool...
a few suggestions, but plenty more can be found through Google, Adobe, etc.
Sketchbook (free mobile or desktop versions)
Draw Island
a V A
Step 3: 
Select at least 5 of your child's phenotypes.   Label these on the diagram and include the science behind them.   For example, why did this trait evolve (describe survival purpose) in human populations?  How common is it and is it more common in certain geographic regions?   How might it change in future generations of humans?   This type of information...
Be prepared to present to your peers and teachers :)
Quarter 2 project due November 14th

I n v e n t o r s    F a i r

Step 1 - Please take a look at the Engineering Design Process as a guide.  I'll print this for you because it will need to be added to your trifold.  
Step 2 - With your partner, brainstorm ideas for an invention that will help make society or people's lives in general better in some way (even a  small way!).  Once you agree on an idea, complete the patent form and turn it in to me so that I can approve it.
Step 3 -Give your invention a clever title - this will go in large letters at the top of your trifold.   Remember, sometimes it's all about marketing!
Think "Tumblr", "Weed Wacker", "Slinky", iPhoneX, Chia Head ......
Step 4 - Create and test your invention.   You will present its final design at the fair.    Your trifold display should include the following components ....
-your title / logo
-Engineering Design Process symbol (I'll give you this)
-your hypothesis
-an abstract 
-data collected in the form of graphs, tables, or surveys
-images (photos, drawings, etc. that relate to your product)
Your invention itself (or the model) will be displayed in front of your trifold.
You got this! 
Quarter 1 project due August 20th

Students may choose one of the following options..


Option A - Cloud Selfie

(you may select the format you like to present this- Prezi, Google slides, posterboard, video, etc.)

Step 1 - Snap a selfie of YOU in front of an interesting looking cloud. To make it look even more exciting, you might want to enhance to photo using apps or technology, but this is up to you.

Step 2 - Share the type of cloud and your geographic location.

Step 3- Using scientific terms describe (on your presentation) the weather and atmospheric conditions at the time you took your photo. Think about things like humidity, wind, air pressure, cold fronts, air masses. 


Option B- Globetrotter

(most kids have done this one as a poster, but digital formats are fine too)

Step 1 - Select one city in the world you would LOVE to visit. Creatively title your project to include this city name.
(For example: "San Andreas,'s not my fault!" is a way more powerful title than just "San Andreas, California"

Step 2- On your presentation, include photos, brochures, or images to promote your city as an exciting tourist place.

Step 3- What is the geographic latitude/longitude coordinate of the city? How about it's altitude? (distance above sea level)

Step 4- Include a few (2-3) graphs/tables showing city's climate averages. These may include things like precipitation, high/low temperatures, winds, humidity, daylight hours etc.

***Please check out examples of these projects in my room


Picking Cauliflower
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